Rich might have the statistics teacher check out JMP.
Travis Pouarz Responding to Rich Vander Klok's question about potential replacements for Minitab. If you need to know the exact version number, drop a line and I'll find it. One thing to keep in mind, previous versions of Minitab (the last release for Mac, ?vers 10.2) will run in OS X under Classic. I actually prefer and use other stats software JMP is one of my favorites, but this and other packages are usually much more expensive than KaleidaGraph (about $150). 24, 2005 Substitute For Minitab Rene Borgella A very similar program in look and operation is KaleidaGraph. Does anyone know of a program comparable to Minitab for OS X? Jun. As an English teacher, I'm not in the know regarding math software.
Minitab is Windows only, although it can be run in Virtual PC. 23, 2005 Substitute For Minitab Rich Vander Klok My school is thinking of replacing a Windows lab with a Mac lab (our district is 90%+ Mac, K-12) but one of the sticking points is that the Advanced Placement Statistics class uses Minitab to do most of their work.